Philip MohunBest links from 2020Every week, I send a newsletter that contains a collection of interesting links and ideas.Dec 29, 2020Dec 29, 2020
Philip MohuninThe StartupHow To Nurture CuriositySome promising strategies for anyone looking to nurture intellectual curiosity.Apr 28, 2020Apr 28, 2020
Philip MohuninDataDrivenInvestorHow To Build An Automated Claims Processing Pipeline using Google Cloud Platform and OCRDesigning, coding, and testing a machine learning pipeline for healthcareSep 30, 2019Sep 30, 2019
Philip MohuninThe StartupClimbing the Right HillA framework for making decisions when things are foggy.Sep 14, 20191Sep 14, 20191
Philip MohunDo we need to change ourselves to change the climate?Understanding why human psychology is preventing a solution to global warming.Aug 5, 20195Aug 5, 20195
Philip MohuninThe StartupProductivity, Not PowerPointSilicon Valley tells us that software is eating the world; for most people it just means that Microsoft Office is eating their workday.Jul 23, 2019Jul 23, 2019
Philip MohuninThe StartupNeuralink: TL;DR and FAQElon Musk’s secretive brain-computer interface (BCI) company Neuralink presented the results of their work over the past two years.Jul 17, 2019Jul 17, 2019
Philip Mohun25 Things I Learned In 2018A collection of interesting headlines from (mostly) reputable sources.Dec 21, 2018Dec 21, 2018
Philip MohunGood Job / Bad JobThis post was inspired by a recent conversation where I was asked to describe my dream job. I’ve been fortunate to work in some incredible…Aug 2, 2018Aug 2, 2018
Philip MohuninDataDrivenInvestorArtificial Intelligence in HealthcareExploring the impact of machine learning and predictive analytics on value based care.Jun 19, 2018Jun 19, 2018